The premium package includes the valuable features of the enhanced package in addition to a bespoke package of support from Entrust Careers advisers which can include:
One of our level 6 qualified careers advisers will work with you to identify a fully tailored careers offer to supplement your existing careers provision meeting the needs of your school and ensuring TheCareerSpace is fully utilised to support you and your students.
In addition to TheCareerSpace, Entrust Skills and Employability Service offer a range of services to support careers delivery:
Careers Guidance
interviews delivered by level 6 qualified careers advisers
Collapsed timetable days
focusing on entrepreneurship or stereotyping
Bespoke careers support
Consultancy and assessment
for the Quality in Careers Award
If you need more information on any of the above services please contact us at:
“I just wanted to express the school's thanks and acknowledge the tremendous work that our Entrust careers advisers do in collaboration with the school. The roles they play and the hard work and commitment are a credit to the service and themselves.
We often talk about staff "going the extra mile" but in their cases they really do. Our Parents/ Carers and young people are all extremely grateful.”
-Deputy Head, Loxley Hall
"Just to say that the ongoing support we have received from Lisa is excellent! She is always at the end of an email and is prepared to go the extra mile in supporting our pupils making their next step choices. We have just two neets from a population of nineteen extremely vulnerable pupils."
- Headteacher, Chaselea Alternative Provision Academy
“Brilliant videos Becky, wow they are really superb for Years 10 and 11. We will be utilising them this week to kickstart their Careers programme.”
- Assistant Principal, Blessed William Howard Catholic School.